Friday, January 21, 2011

The First-Duration Human 520 Day Flight Simulation the Mars-500: Day Number 233

It has been 233 days since the all-male crew of astronauts which includes: three Russians, a Chinese, a Frenchman and an Italian-Colombian; have been locked in a steel capsule at a Moscow research center.

Their mission is to study and help improve how real space crews can manage the real world stress of interplanetary travel. They communicate with the outside world via the internet, using emails and video messages; which are sometimes delayed as they would be in real world situations. Their diets consist of canned meals just like the ones that are currently eaten at the International Space Station; also required for intergalactic travel is a once-a-week shower.

The giant windowless capsule named Mars-500 was intended to reproduce the conditions of space travel minus the weightlessness. The living quarters are about the size of a school bus which has several other units connected so they can conduct their experiments and exercise. To simulate Mars and the mock landing, a separate building is attached to the capsule which models the Red Planet's surface.

So far, crew seems to be in high spirits yet, certainly have experienced some level of fatigue. They are scheduled to land on Mars (500) on Febuary 12th and spend a couple of days in exploration before making the months-long return home. The return flight is expected to one of the most challenging parts of the mission.

Mission director and former cosmonaut Boris Morukov told reporters, "It will be very tough on the boys because of the monotony." "The fatigue and the thought that the mission is over can be fraught with negative consequences," Morukov said.

Talk about being out-of-your comfort zone, wow. The Mars-500 crew really has their work cut out for them. I wonder if they may experience the cabin fever phenomenon*. Either way it takes a special type of person who is mentally and physically fit to undergo the stress in an alien environment. Hopefully the crew will stick it out and shed some light on how real missions can deal with space travel and the stressors that accompany it. I commend the crew for the efforts and dedication, which will help scientist discover better ways to take us, "Where no man has gone before". Which is what science is all about! And that's exactly why science rocks!

*Cabin Fever: symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, irrational frustration with everyday objects, forgetfulness, laughter, excessive sleeping, distrust of anyone they are with, and an urge to go outside.


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